Happy birthday to F-Kaanen Von Tiltonhaus.
My big boy is one today and he has brought me so much happiness in this last year. He is mellow, loving, smart, curious, protective, and. downright beautiful. He is about 90 lbs right now and bigger in the winter. I love this dog and he has enabled me to put my guard down, relax, and just love him. Every other dog I have had since I moved to Spokane was basically sold or taken away from me as downsizing the dogs was the command. I didn’t want to love any dog again because it hurt to lose them. When I went to see Tammey’s pups when they were 4 weeks, this pup is the one I wanted, but was not first to choose. My daughter kept looking at points about the others, but I was hesitant—I was really liking this pup. When Tammey Tilton called and said I was up to choose, he was left. YES! Little Kaanen became mine. He slept with me and little by little, he softened my heart to let go and just love him. He is an incredible sensitive dog and when he hears me crying, he goes berserk until he can come love on me. This dog had been my therapy–better than any counselor!!!
Tammey Tilton thank you for having awesome pups and gentling them, with great socialization of your big family, like a person does a horse so that they come to love their human as the leader of their pack. I love my boy and hope to have many years with him.
Karen E Davis