Beautiful, intelligent, obedient, healthy and amazing family pets.

Owner: Travis and Autumn Tilton

Registered with AKC and SV/Germany

Color: Black and Red

Coat Length: Stock

Hips and Elbows Certified

DNA Test Results For Nine Genetic Diseases Ace is not at risk for any of these genetic diseases tested for.

Coat Color and Coat Length DNA Test Results Ace’s coat color is non dilute and he can produce long hair puppies.

Sire: World Seiger Champion in Germany 3 years in a row (BSZS 2014, 2015 and 2016), 3x VA1 Ballack von der Brucknerallee IPO3, Kkl he is the son of VA8 Hagadahls Figo and the grandson of VA9 2X VA1 (CN) Furbo degli Achei and VA5 Hagadahls Wanda and great grandson of VA2 Quenn vom Loher Weg, VA3 Bravos vom Steffen Haus, VA3 Erasmus van Noort, VA2 Hill vom Farbenspiel and VA6 (I) Fenia degli Achei.

Dam: V Barca vom Hof Metzeroth IPO3, Kkl, she is the daughter of VA1 Hungary Chicco Dogshof and great granddaughter of VA3 Yukon von der Bastillie, VA2 Alisha vom Eichenplatz, VA5 Nero vom Nobachat, and VA2 Hill vom Farbenspiel.

Ace was born in Germany and came to live in the United States when he was 10 weeks old. He is an intelligent, sweet and stunning boy, that comes from a very strong pedigree of proven dogs in the show and working world.

Ace German Shepherd
Ace 10 months
Ace 10 weeks old (1) (1024x683)
Ace June 2016 (1024x683)
Ace bowl and picture 2016 (7) (1024x683)
Ace 6-4-2016 (5) (1024x683)
Ace Elk Park june 2016 (15) (1024x683)
Ace in our field june 2016 (6) (1024x683)
ace at Bead lake july 2016 (3) (1024x683)
Ace at earned his VP1 show rating 2016 (5) (1024x683)
Ace at earned his VP1 show rating 2016 (12) (1024x683)
Ace at earned his VP1 show rating 2016 (27) (1024x683)
ACE CGC trial July 2016 (7) (1024x609)
Ace when a puppy
Ace CGC award (3) (1024x683)
ace running (1024x682)
Ace Elk Park june 2016 (6) (1024x683)
Ace side head shot
ace laying down (1024x683)
DSC_0431 german shepherd ACE
Ace_German Shepherd_in_snow
DSC_0575 german shepherd ace with mom
German Shepherd Ace Side view
German shepherd Ace by pumpkins
DSC_0006 (2) (1024x683) Ace with tug
DSC_0569 -german shepherd ace swim
German Shepherd Ace in water
a8 (2)
DSC_0283 (2) copy 6
DSC_602 website med get rid of leash
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Ace’s Accomplishments:​

Ace earned her Novice Nosework (NN) Title from UKC (United Kennel Club) in 2018. The dog must earn all four element titles, Novice Containers (NC), Novice Interior (NI ), Novice Exterior (NE) , and Novice Vehicles (NV), then the dog will be granted the Novice Nosework (NN) Title.

Ace earned her Novice Vehicle (NV) Nosework Title from UKC (United Kennel Club) in 2018. Three vehicles (automobile) are set in line. Vehicles are facing the same direction with one hidden odor on one of the front bumpers of the vehicles. The dog must locate the odor (birch) within 3 minutes to earn a passing score. In order to receive this title the dog must earn two passing scores at two different trials.

Ace earned her Novice Container (NC) Nosework Title from UKC (United Kennel Club) in 2018. Twelve containers are arranged in a pattern on the floor with the odor (birch) hidden in one of the containers. The dog must locate the odor and the handler must call alert within 3 minutes to earn a passing score. In order to receive this title the dog must earn two passing scores at two different trials.

Ace earned her Novice Interior (NI) Nosework Title from UKC (United Kennel Club) in 2018. The dog must find the hidden odor (birch) in the search area within 3 minutes. The search takes place inside one of the rooms on the interior of building. In order to receive this title the dog must earn two passing scores at two different trials.

Ace earned his Novice Exterior (NE) Nosework Title from UKC (United Kennel Club) in 2018. The exterior area search takes place outside, often it contains grass, dirt, cement and/or gravel. These searches can be especially difficult for the dogs as there are a number of new smells (trash/food, animals, etc.) the dogs are working in all weather conditions and the dogs may be tempted to mark or eliminate. The dog must find the hidden odor (birch) in the search area within 3 minutes. In order to receive this title the dog must earn two passing scores at two different trials.

Ace earned his AKC Urban CGC (CGCU) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2018. The goal of AKC Urban CGC is to test the dog’s skills in an urban (city) setting. Dogs must, enter/exit doorways with no pulling, walk through a crowd on a busy sidewalk and cross streets under control, react appropriately to city distractions (horns, sirens, etc.), Ignore food and food containers on sidewalk, safely negotiates stairs and elevators, ride dog-friendly transportation (car, subway in a carry bag, cab), 3-minute down-stay in lobby of dog friendly building, and more.

Ace earned her AKC Community Canine (CGCA) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2018. AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Program. Whereas Canine Good Citizen tests are most often tested in a ring and situations are simulated (3 helpers serve as a “crowd”), the AKC Community Canine test is done in real situations including at shows, classes, and in the community.

Ace earned his Socialized Pet Obedience Test (SPOT) Title from the United Kennel Club (UKC) in 2017.The SPOT test consists of 10 separate stations. At each station the dog must perform a basic exercise. These exercises are used to demonstrate that the dog is capable of exhibiting desired behaviors that the general public would expect to see in a well-behaved dog. The SPOT test places value on the importance of responsible dog ownership, and that a well behaved dog is not only a happy dog, but one that will be accepted in a community. “So Proud Of My Ace Boy”!

Ace earned his Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2016. The dog and handler have to successfully complete ten components of an evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation is to recognize those dogs who have been trained to be good citizens in the community. “Great Job Ace”!

Ace came in 1st place and received his VP-1 (Very Promising) Show Rating in the Puppy Class Males 6-9 months at “Treasure Valley Working Dog Club” Conformation Show, July 10, 2016 in Middleton Idaho. “Congratulation Ace!

Ace earned his AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy and his name is listed in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy records at AKC in 2016. AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy is the puppy level of Canine Good Citizen. Dog owners must complete the class and the dog pass the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy manners test at the end of the course. “Love This Pup!”

Videos of Ace:


UpComing Puppies!

We currently have one 7-year-old female dog available. If you are interested in a puppy from an upcoming litter, please fill out the “I’m Interested Form”, or feel free to “Contact Us” with any of your questions. If you want to see the litters coming up, please click the link below.