Owner: Tammey Tilton
Registered with AKC
Color: Black and Red
Coat Length: Stock
Hips and Elbows OFA certified
DNA Test Results for Six Genetic Diseases Kira is not at risk for any of these genetic diseases tested for. In addition, she is not a carrier for any of the mutations studied.
Kira is a granddaughter of V Xanto von Stevenhaus SchH3 Kkl1 and a great granddaughter of VA (CA) Vena von der Noriswand SchH3. Both from German bloodlines.
Kira is a very beautiful and elegant lady and she knows it! She has a love and loyalty for her master (Tammey) like no other. Not to mention her desire to please. Her favorite thing to do is hang out with Tammey and protect her family.

kira 8 wks 015 german shepherd
german shepherd kira looking pretty
kira our german shepherd on dock (1024x768)
Kira with you German Shepherd Puppies
kira puppies (1024x683)
Kira close up 2015
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Christmas 2015 Kira
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Kira waving
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DSC_0642 put on website med (2)
DSC_0072 Trevor likes to put on website (3) med
Kira age 11
Kira 14 years old
Video of Kira
Kira's Past Litters:

C-Gunner Son of Kira and Titan
C-Jessi Daughter of Kira and Titan
D-Bella Daughter of Kira and Titan
F-Theo Son of Kira and Titan
Faith Hannah Daughter Of Titan And Kira (2)
J-Pomai Daughter Of Kira And Tazer (4)
J-Odin Daughter Of Kira And Tazer (4)
Q-Tucker Son of Kira and Titan