Owner: Tanner Tilton
Registered with AKC, UKC, IABCA, and USA/SV.
Color: Black and Red
Coat Length: Long
Hips, Elbows, and LÜW Certified
DNA Test Results for Genetic Diseases: Hannah was tested for 250 different inherited diseases and traits. Common, inherited diseases include those that affect metabolism, bones, eyes, kidneys and many more. The results for all the diseases Hannah was tested for were Normal (Clear). So, Hannah is not at risk for any of these genetic diseases.
Sire: VA2 (EG), V5 (BSZS), Bomba vom Legends Team IGP3, IPO2, IPO1, BH, AD, KKL son of VA1 & VA2 (BSZS), 7 X VA Bellamie vom Praester Land IPO3 KKL, Normal/Normal DM Clear. Bellamie is not only the world’s most VA1 titled long coat GSD in the world but also in all of history!
Dam: International Champion Annie vom Ursi CGC, CGCA, CGCU, SPOT-ON, TC, TKN, TKI, TKA, TKP, TKE, VHMA, VAWB daughter of V2 Gracie vom Faehnrich IPO2, KKL and granddaughter of VA Leo von der Zenteiche IPO3, KKL and 3X VA2 Hulda vom Polarkreis SCHH3 KKL
Hannah is beautiful just like her parents (Annie and Bomba). She is so sweet and loveable and always knows how to get to us by giving us her adorable head tilts when we talk to her. She loves getting attention from everyone she meets, but also knows, like her mother (Annie) does, that when her working dog vest is on it is time to work and not visit. She has an incredible bond with my son Tanner (her master and best friend) and lights up whenever she is hanging out with him.

Hannah's Accomplishments:
Hannah earned her AKC Intermediate Trick Dog (TKI) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2022. The dog must have the Novice title, plus perform 10 Intermediate tricks.
Hannah earned her National Championship (NatCH) Title at the International All Breed Canine Association of America (IABCA) dog show in 2022. This title is earned by the dog being awarded the highest conformation show rating (V-1) by 3 different judges.
Hannah earned her AKC Novice Trick Dog (TKN) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2022. The dog must perform 10 skills from the Novice Trick list, to earn the Novice Trick Title.
Hannah earned her “AKC Fit Dog” Magnet from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2022. Dog must walk a specific distance with their owners for at least 3 months to earn the “AKC Fit Dog” magnet. Fitness is so very important for both you and your dogs. Walking is the best recommended exercise to improve fitness. Walking improves muscular strength, circulation, memory, weight loss, increases energy, helps with sleep, and reduces stress. You should walk a minimum of a 150 minutes per week according to the American Heart Association.
Hannah earned her AKC Urban CGC (CGCU) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2022. The goal of AKC Urban CGC is to test the dog’s skills in an urban (city) setting. Dogs must, enter/exit doorways with no pulling, walk through a crowd on a busy sidewalk and cross streets under control, react appropriately to city distractions (horns, sirens, etc.), Ignore food and food containers on the sidewalk, safely negotiates stairs and elevators, ride dog-friendly transportation (car, subway in a carry bag, cab), 3-minute down-stay in the lobby of a dog-friendly building, and more.
Hannah earned her AKC Community Canine (CGCA) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2022. AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of the AKC’s Canine Good Citizen Program. Whereas Canine Good Citizen tests are most often tested in a ring and situations are simulated (3 helpers serve as a “crowd”), the AKC Community Canine test is done in real situations including at shows, classes, and in the community. Hannah’s AKC Community Canine test took place at River Park Square Mall in Spokane, WA.
Hannah earned her AKC Virtual Home Manners Adult (VHMA) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2022. The dog must demonstrate that it knows ten skills that well-mannered pet puppies need in the home setting. The skills relate to the dog owner having control over the dog, being able to walk the dog (which is one of the most frequently cited activities that owners want to do with their dogs) and developing a bond with the dog during playtime.
Hannah earned her AKC Virtual Scent Work Beginner (VSWB) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2022. The dog must find one item (choice of ball, toy or treat) inside the home at ground level up within 1.5 minutes in one search area. It takes two passes to earn a title.
Hannah earned her Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2021. The dog and handler have to successfully complete ten components of an evaluation. The purpose of the evaluation is to recognize those dogs who have been trained to be good citizens in the community.
Hannah earned her Socialized Pet Obedience Test (SPOT-ON) Title from the United Kennel Club (UKC) in 2021. The SPOT test consists of 10 separate stations. At each station, the dog must perform a basic exercise. These exercises are used to demonstrate that the dog is capable of exhibiting desired behaviors that the general public would expect to see in a well-behaved dog. The dog will receive a rating at each station, varying from “Outstanding” to “Needs Practice”. A dog that completes the test with an Outstanding rating at each station will be considered a “SPOT Outstanding Neighbor” or “SPOT-ON” dog.
Hannah earned her Honors Baby Championship (HnrBA) Title at the International All Breed Canine Association Of America (IABCA) dog show in 2021. This title is earned by the puppy being awarded the highest conformation show rating for puppies (SG-1) by 5 different judges. Hannah also received Best of Breed by coming in 1st place at the show.
Hannah earned her International Baby Championship (IntBA) Title at the International All Breed Canine Association of America (IABCA) dog show in 2021. This title is earned by the puppy being awarded the highest conformation show rating for puppies (SG-1) by 4 different judges.
Hannah earned her National Baby Championship (NatBA) Title at the International All Breed Canine Association of America (IABCA) dog show in 2021. This title is earned by the puppy being awarded the highest conformation show rating (SG-1) by 3 different judges.
Hannah earned her Virtual Home Manners Puppy (VHMP) Title from the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 2021. The puppy must demonstrate that it knows ten skills that well-mannered pet puppies need in the home setting. The skills relate to the puppy owner having control over the dog, being able to walk the puppy and developing a bond with the puppy during playtime.
Hannah earned her AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy, and her name is listed in the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy records at AKC in 2021. AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy is the puppy level of Canine Good Citizen. Dog owners must complete the class and the dog pass the AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy manners test at the end of the course.