Beautiful, intelligent, obedient, healthy and amazing family pets.

Defender Head Shot 

Defender in a stand 2023Owner: Tammey Tilton

Registered with AKC, Russian Kynological Federation, USCA and USA/SV.

Color: Black and Red

Coat Length: Long

Stud Fee: $1,000

Hips, Elbows, and LÜW Certified

DNA Test Results for Eleven Genetic Diseases: The results are normal/normal, Defender is not at risk for any of these genetic diseases. In addition, he is not a carrier for any of the mutations studied.

Sire: 2x World Champion VA1(BSZS), Ian vom Kleinen Zauberberg IPO-3, KKL,  DM Clear, HD/ED Normal  LUW 0, OCD Negative.

Dam: SG3 (BSZS), Junior World Winner 2016, Junior Champion Russia, Junior Champion Belarus, Bavariya Open Soul, IPO-1, KKL, HD/ED Normal. 

Defender’s pedigree is packed with many top VA and V rated German Shepherds. 


Defender was born in Russia and came to the United States when he was around 7 months old. We had the great privilege of being able to have Defender come and live with our family shortly after he turned 2 years old. We fell in love with this beautiful, sweet, loveable, dog the moment we met him, and I believe he has fallen in love with us too. 

 Defender little puppy
Defender Puppy looking at a ball
Defender Puppy with a ball
 Defender Puppy
Defender puppy in a stand
Defender puppy Head shot
Defender in woods
Defender on Place
Defender laying down with flowers behind him
defender laying down
Defender stand
defender sad
Defender Chirstmas 2022 Tiltonhaus German Shepherd
defender side head
defender paw folded
defender in sit
Defender with head up laying down 2022
defender down
der Tiltonhaus German Shepherd Christmas 2022
Defender laying down
Defender in a stand 2023
Defender head
Defender little puppy
Defender Puppy looking at a ball
Defender Puppy with a ball
Defender Puppy
Defender puppy in a stand
Defender puppy Head shot
Defender in woods
Defender on Place
Defender laying down with flowers behind him
defender laying down
defender head shot
Defender stand
defender sad
Defender Chirstmas 2022
defender side head
defender paw folded
defender in sit
Defender with head up laying down 2022
Defender with puppy
defender down
Defender sitting
Defender Tiltonhaus German Shepherd Christmas 2022
Defender laying down
Defender in a stand 2023
defender head
defender on table
defender looking forward infield
defender in a stand looking at us
defender far away laying in leafs
defender walking
defender laying down in leaves
Defender 4th July 2024
defender looking side
defender layinh in leafs
defender looking sad in leafs
defender turned sideways in field
defender setting in field
Defender laying in training room
Defender by flowers 2024
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Defender’s Accomplishments:

Defender earned his ZVV1 – The preliminary Czech or Slovak Title. For the dog to earn this title it must do extensive tracking, on and off leash obedience and protection. Similar to Schutzhund 1 but very difficult.

Defender came in 3rd place and received a SG3 show rating at the LSH Young Dog Class Show in Prenzlau, Germany.

Defender earned his KKL (KoerKlasse) or Breed Survey (2022-2023). For this rating the dog must compete for titles in Germany or other countries under the rules of the SV (Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde, the club for German Shepherd Dogs in Germany). To meet this world standard each dog must pass a companion dog temperament test (BH), a minimum of a SchH1/IPO1 working degree, certified hips (“a” stamp or OFA) a 12 mile endurance test followed by an examination for physical soundness. The dog must also compete at a show to achieve a conformation rating of at least a SG or better. These requirements make the dog eligible to enter a Koerung/ Breed Survey (qualify for breeding). At the Breed Survey the dog is carefully evaluated for correct structure, temperament and courage. These requirements are only guidelines for our breed, sometimes recommendations are given to who the dog should be bred with to produce excellent offspring, also sometimes certain bloodlines are not bred together as the two bloodlines do not work well together.

Defender earned his IGP1 “International Gebrauchshund Prufung” (International Working Dog Title).  For the dog to earn this title it must pass all the Tracking, Obedience, and Protection tests required for the IGP1 degree.

Defender earned his SG (Sehr Gut or Very Good) show rating . It is the highest rating a dog can get in a show until it has met all the requirements listed to receive a V rating.

Defender earned his BH-VT (Begleithund) Title. It’s a Temperament and Obedience test required before advancement to SchH/IPO/IGP Titles

Breed Survey Comments:

German: Mittelgrob mittelkraftig, betont gestreckt. Hoher Widerrist, betont geneigte Kruppe die noch langer sein solite. Gute Hinterhandwinkelung, der Oberarm solite langer sein, gerade Front. Kraftvoller Nachschub, der Vortritt solite freier sein. Sicheres Wesen, TSB ausgepragt.

Translate to English: Medium-coarse, medium-bodied, emphatically stretched. High withers, sloping croup that should be even longer. Good rear angulation, upper arm should be longer, straight front. Powerful supplies, the right of way should be freer. Safe being, TSB pronounced.



UpComing Puppies!

We currently have one 7-year-old female dog available. If you are interested in a puppy from an upcoming litter, please fill out the “I’m Interested Form”, or feel free to “Contact Us” with any of your questions. If you want to see the litters coming up, please click the link below.