Beautiful, intelligent, obedient, healthy and amazing family pets.

Owner: Tammey Tilton

Registered with AKC and SV/Germany

Color: All-Black

Coat Length: Long

Hips and Elbows Certified 

DNA Test Results For Genetic Diseases: Missy was tested for 250 different inherited diseases and traits. Common, inherited diseases include those that affect metabolism, bones, eyes, kidneys and many more. The results for all the diseases Missy were tested for were Normal (Clear), including DM.  So, Missy is not at risk for any of these genetic diseases.

Sire: VA1 (VA3 BSZS) Zitan vom Repetition IPO3 KKL (World Winner Leipzig, 12xVA, 9xVA1, 7x best protection), HD/ED SV normal/normal, DM Clear, OCD free, LUW 0. Zitan is the son of 2x World Sieger VA1 Willy vom Kuckucksland.

Dam: SG1 Margman Puma IGP1, KKL, HD/ED SV normal/normal, DM Clear.

Full Brother: VA1 USCA Champion, (V4 BSZS) Esteemed K9’s Mad Max IGP3, KKL, HD/ED normal/normal.


We are so thrilled to have Esteemed K9’s Miss Marple (call name, Missy) come to us from Germany.  Thanks to Nicole Meyer for selling us this Black Beauty and to Alexander Meyer for helping us purchase her.  Words cannot describe how incredibly sweet this dog is. We fell in love with her the moment we meet her.  She should produce beautiful puppies with wonderful temperaments.  

Missy german shepherd
Missy on grass
Missy looking cute
Missy just head
Missy black shepherd
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Missy german shepherd
Miss Marple Esteemed K9
Missy with Aviah
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Missy on grass
miss marple esteemed K9
Missy in field 2024
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Missy looking cute
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Missy just head
Missy Easter
christmas missy
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Missy black shepherd
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missy in stand
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Missy's Accomplishments:

08/28/2022 – Missy earned her V1 (Vorauglich or Excellent) show rating in Germany. In order to earn the V the dog must be entered in the working classes meaning it must have a Schutzhund title. The V is reserved for dogs with excellent conformation and movement. It is the highest conformation rating that can be awarded in a local or regional show.

02/26/2022 – Missy earned her  IGP3 (International working) Title. For the dog to earn this title it must pass all the Advanced level Tracking, Obedience and Protection tests required for the IGP3 degree.

11/20/2021- Missy earned her KKL (KoerKlasse) or Breed Survey. For this rating the dog must compete for titles in Germany or other countries under the rules of the SV (Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde, the club for German Shepherd Dogs in Germany). To meet this world standard each dog must pass a companion dog temperament test (BH), a minimum of a SchH1/IPO1 working degree, certified hips (“a” stamp or OFA) a 12-mile endurance test followed by an examination for physical soundness. The dog must also compete at a show to achieve a conformation rating of at least a SG or better. These requirements make the dog eligible to enter a Koerung/ Breed Survey (qualify for breeding). At the Breed Survey the dog is carefully evaluated for correct structure, temperament, and courage. These requirements are only guidelines for our breed, sometimes recommendations are given to who the dog should be bred with to produce excellent offspring, also sometimes certain bloodlines are not bred together as the two bloodlines do not work well together.

10/02/2021 – Missy  earned his IGP2 (International working) Title. For the dog to earn this title it must pass all the Intermediate level Tracking, Obedience and Protection tests required for the IGP2 degree.

09/02/2021 – Missy earned her  SG (Sehr Gut or Very Good) show rating at the Sieger Show in Germany (BSZS). It is the highest rating a dog can get in a show until it has met all the requirements listed to receive a V rating.

08/22/2021 – Missy  earned her  IGP1 (International working) Title. For the dog to earn this title it must pass all the Tracking, Obedience, and Protection tests required for the IGP1 degree.

08/22/2021 – Missy earned her AD (Ausdauerprüfung “Endurance Test”) Title. A Certificate awarded for approximately 12-mile run followed by a short obedience test.

06/05/2021 – Missy earned her WB (Wesentest) Title. A test that assesses a German Shepherd’s temperament, character, working dog abilities. The test is used during a dog’s developmental stage. 

05/30/2021 – Missy earned her  BH (Begleithund) Title. It’s a Temperament and Obedience test required before advancement to SchH/IPO/IGP Titles.

Breed Survey Comments:

German: Große mittelkräftige, ausdrucksvolle, leicht gestreckte Hündin mit Kräftigem Kopf. Hoher Widerrist, gerader, fester Rücken, gute Länge und Lage der Kruppe, sehr gute Vor- und Hinterhandwinkelungen. Ausgegslichene Brustverhältnisse, gerade Front, vorne und hinten gerade tretend, bei guter Gieichgewichtslage zeigt sie einen kraftvollen Nachschub und freien Vortritt. Sicheres Wesen, TSB ausgeprägt. V. Sehr harmonisch aufgebaute Hündin, in der richtigen Größenordnung. Sehr guter Zuchttyp.

English: Large medium-strengthened, expressive, slightly elongated with a strong head. High withers, straight, firm back, good length and location of the croup, very good forehand and hindquarters angulations. Balanced chest ratios, straight front, front and back pedaling straight, with a good give-weight position, it shows a powerful supply and free right of way. Safe nature, TSB pronounced. V. Very harmoniously built, in the right size. Very good breeding type.

Show Events:

Date                   Event                                                          Location                     Show                                                       Pred   Place   Judge

28.08.2022LG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau (LG 20)D-Stralsund e.V.LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen
Franz-Peter Knaul
17.07.2022LG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau (LG 01)D-Walddörfer e.V.LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen
Franz-Peter Knaul


OG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau (LG 01)

D-Schleswig u. Umgebung e.V.

LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen





LG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau (LG 02)


LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen



Torsten Kallenbach


OG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau (LG 20)


LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen



F. Gerstenberg


OG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau (LG 04)

D-Potsdam-Zehlendorf e.V.

LSH Junghundklasse Hündinnen



Torsten Kopp


Bundessieger-Zuchtschau SV 2021


LSH Junghundklasse Hündinnen



Torsten Kallenbach


LG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau+HGH (LG 09)


LSH Jugendklasse Hündinnen



Torsten Kallenbach


Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau (LG 20)


LSH Jugendklasse Hündinnen



Ulrich Hausmann

Videos of Missy:

“Miss Marple Esteemed K9’s” video by Alexandra Meyer.


UpComing Puppies!

We currently have one 7-year-old female dog available. If you are interested in a puppy from an upcoming litter, please fill out the “I’m Interested Form”, or feel free to “Contact Us” with any of your questions. If you want to see the litters coming up, please click the link below.