I contacted Tammey shortly after loosing “Buddy” my German Shepherd last fall. He was my best friend, and I never thought that I could ever find another to replace him. I saw Jake the one with the blue collar and knew that my search was over.
He is an amazing new best friend! He follows me everywhere and loves to ride next to me in my truck. He lays in the chair with me when I watch TV or when I take a nap in it! He loves people and gets along with my other 4 labs. He is 6 and 1/2 months old now and approx 75 lbs. He has filled the place in my heart that was broken and I would not trade him for all the money in the world! I am so thankful that Tammey answered the phone that Saturday and let me have my first choice of the 5 puppies. Every single day he amazes me even more with how smart and loyal he is.
Thank you, Mark Ferrera